Why CBD Hemp Oil Won’t Work for Everyone
Here’s the thing about CBD Hemp oil; while it works wonderfully for hundreds of thousands of people, it is NOT a miracle cure. A growing body of CBD Hemp research shows its capability in relation to easing the symptoms of conditions such as social anxiety diseases, insomnia, fibromyalgia, cancer, and many others.
However, we believe in CBD Hemp oil, NOT snake oil, which is why we know it is not 100% effective for everyone; nothing is. That’s why we get angry when people suggest CBD Hemp oil is a scam because it didn’t work for THEM. What you have to realize is that there are good reasons why CBD Hemp oil didn’t work for you — and it has nothing to do with its efficacy as a whole. Let’s go into further detail and explore some reasons why CBD Hemp isn’t working for you.
Unfortunately, your genetics could be to blame. The reason why CBD Hemp oil works is due to the way the body interacts with it. If you have a genetic anxiety disorder for example, you could experience paranoia when using THC but CBD Hemp should help you. CBD Hemp works with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and believe it or not, some of us are born with more endocannabinoids than others.
For the record, around 20% of Americans have a genetic mutation that increases the natural endocannabinoid level in the body. If you’re lucky enough to have this mutation, you’ll feel less anxious than a normal person but conversely, since you have extra cannabinoids already, CBD Hemp may prove ineffective.
If you’re a female, you’re naturally more sensitive to the cannabinoids – including CBD Hemp. This means you are also more likely to benefit from pain relief. Also, as men are generally larger than women, they need higher doses of CBD Hemp than women to alleviate chronic pain.
The menstrual cycle also has a significant effect on how marijuana works. Research shows that THC works closely with estrogen, so weed is most powerful in women when estrogen levels are at their peak. It is unclear if CBD Hemp is more effective during the period.
Biochemistry & Lifestyle
Even ignoring gene mutations and biological sex, we’re all wired differently which means some people are simply more sensitive to CBD Hemp than others. For example, do you notice how you can have six beers and feel okay while your friend is on the floor after two? It is all about the ECS yet again. Factors such as genetics, stress, diet, and lifestyle impact how the ECS functions.
If CBD Hemp isn’t working for you, take a close look at your lifestyle, and pay particular attention to the amount of fatty acids in your diet. If your diet is low in fatty acids, especially omega-3, your ECS will not function at a high level. CBD Hemp is a form of fatty acid so if you’re already consuming a lot, CBD Hemp will not be as effective as in someone who is lacking in fatty acids. Also, if your CB2 receptors are stronger than the CB1 receptors, or vice versa, CBD Hemp will not be as effective because your biochemistry affects your endocannabinoid balance.
Physical Health
By now, it should be apparent that CBD works best in people with significant endocannabinoid gaps. If you’re in excellent shape with no real ailments, CBD oil won’t help you as much as if you had a condition such as fibromyalgia. Individuals with medical conditions have altered biochemistry and when you consume CBD, it produces a number of chemical interactions in the body which work to restore internal homeostasis.
If you have fibromyalgia for example, your body is in dire need of cannabinoidsת so CBD should help reduce chronic pain and perhaps give you an energy boost.
Psychological Health
Once again, CBD Hemp will be far more effective if you suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD or another issue that is affecting your mental health. In this instance, there is a chemical imbalance in the brain and is partially to blame for your mental issues. When you use CBD Hemp, the chemical balance could be restored which should make you feel a whole lot better.
Generally speaking, the more CBD Hemp you use, the greater your tolerance. It stands to reason that if you’ve used 100mg a day for five years, then it won’t have the same effect as when using it for the first time. Fortunately, there are ways to address the situation. One of the best methods of decreasing tolerance is to take a CBD Hemp break. Even a couple of weeks should be enough to restore disorder and ensure your body reacts positively to the ‘new’ stimuli.
Final Thoughts on CBD Oil’s Efficacy
If CBD Hemp oil doesn’t work for you, it’s a terrible shame because it is a wonderful all-natural medicine and a fantastic alternative to addictive and dangerous pharmaceuticals. If you’ve tried CBD Hemp and it was ineffective, don’t automatically assume that all CBD Hemp & Hemp products are bad. Go through the list and see if anything applies to your situation. Maybe your genetics or biochemistry means cannabinoids don’t work. Or, perhaps you’re simply not taking a strong enough dose.