5 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil
Curious why you’re seeing CBD everywhere? Think that it sounds too good to be true? Not sure how to use it?
1. Manage Stress and Anxiety, Naturally:
A daily regimen with full spectrum hemp extract, high in CBD, may reduce your body’s natural stress response and stress hormones (bye Cortisol!) according to mounting evidence.
A 2010 study cited in Journal of Psychopharmacology found an oral dose of 400 mg of CBD reduces symptoms of social anxiety disorder in humans. This study found CBD has anti-anxiety properties.
In a study published in Neuropsychopharmacology (2011), patients with social anxiety disorder received a 600 mg dose of CBD one and a half hours before participating in a stress-triggering exercise. Results showed a significant reduction in anxiety levels, cognitive impairment, and reduced discomfort in speaking in social settings.
It’s important to recognize that these studies are investigating the efficacy of CBD isolate vs a full spectrum hemp extract. It’s purported that a full spectrum extract is more effective than an isolate and therefore requires less mg per dose.
Like a thermostat, CBD should kick in right when you need it, ideally bringing you back into balance. CBD may help our brains access and reduce the breakdown of important chemicals that we produce — like serotonin and anandamide (a.k.a the “bliss” molecule). The result is a life hopefully filled with more joy and relaxation… and way less stress.
2. Reduce Pain and Inflammation:
Research suggests that both sublingual (under the tongue) delivery and topical use, may support moderate chronic pain and inflammation reduction. A 2015 study indicated that mice given topical CBD for arthritis had significantly less inflammation and pain signals after only four days without any side effects.
3. Improve Your Sleep:
Get your zzz ? and feel rejuvenated. There are many ways in which CBD can support more restful and deeper sleep. The World Health Organization, in a 2017 report, stated, “There is also preliminary evidence that CBD may be a useful treatment for a number of other medical conditions. More research is needed, but there is promising evidence for chronic pain, anxiety and other challenges that prevent us from a deep sleep.
4. Heal Without a Habit:
CBD is not known to be addictive, so keeping the same dose in your regiment is perfectly fine.
5. Achieve Clarity Not a High:
CBD is not known to have psychoactive or psychotropic effects. Yes, it is derived from Cannabis, however it only contains trace amounts of the compound THC, which is what has the altering effect. Even though THC and CBD share a nearly exact formula, one critical difference in their molecular structure that gives each compound unique medicinal properties. THC has a cyclic ring while CBD has a hydroxyl group –– and this one difference is why THC will get you high and CBD won’t. In fact, CBD may moderate THC’s effects by alleviating stress and anxiety.